Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beyond My Ability - (Make it Work, v.2)

After trying to cut the same piece 4 times tonight and having it break every time, I've taken a long look at this cartoon and decided it's beyond my ability. I've labeled the pieces that I just don't think I can break successfully. If there was only one or two I'd press on, but there's a bunch.

It's kind of a shame I got so far with the brown glass before realizing this, but all is not lost. The bird and the leaves can be re-used in another design (I'm thinking a cute little mobile) and I've learned to look more critically at my patterns.

Katriel has asked me to make something for her - I found a nice 3-D butterfly online that doesn't look too difficult. Make it work.


  1. What's happening? Will a change of glass work? If not, this may require some research and maybe a chat with Barney to revisit the project later.

  2. I tried commenting before but something went haywire... Anyhow - I don't know, maybe a stronger glass would work. I have no idea. But some of those concave cuts in the background glass are too tight for the edges around it, even when I take baby steps towards the final score. I kept breaking them, then once I got one to work it broke with the vibration of the grinder. I marked red "NO!'s" around where I think would be too problematic. I even tried just tapping out each of the scores and they were still breaking on the weak spot. I've got a cute suncatcher in the works for the leaves, branch, and bird so I'm not sweating it.
